I recently made the decision to retire after thirty years of teaching. Many, many reasons were behind my decision, but the most EXCITING one was the opportunity to help homeschool my grandson. I set up a classroom in my house so that we could begin doing some activities to see how he would respond. It has been one of my most FAVORITE things ever! Check out the pictures of our room!
After moving in the furniture, it was time to make the room into a classroom that was ready for fun and learning! I purchased this clock for $4 from the a dollar store. The small cork board was mine as a child. I purchased two packs of scouring pads from Dollar Tree and stapled them on. It is now a perfect board for any items that have Velcro.
I added a a soft throw blanket and a trash can. I already had the plastic container. It is filled with zippered bags I purchased from Amazon. They are perfect for grab-and-go activities.
This was a CD/DVD holder one of my daughters left behind when she got married It is perfect for holding several small containers with different items in them. The small table with the tissues was moved from my sunroom. I purchased the chair from Target a couple of years ago for my home office It fits perfectly in the corner. The lamp is at least 30 years old but still works great!
This chair cushion makes sitting on the floor more comfortable. What would a classroom be without at least one friend? Our soft doggie is a friend to hold or just watch while we are learning. The small stool is perfect for my grandson to sit on to look out the window.
I moved this small shelf from another room in the house. It holds coloring books, activity books, sensory bins, construction paper, pencil boxes with crayons, pencils, scissors, glue, and a few other items.
We make sure that we complete at least one of each of these activities during our fun learning time. Luke loves to check off each box.
Another leftover item from before our daughters married is this larger corkboard. I used fabric I had purchased years ago when I taught second grade. I also used some border I purchased a few years ago. I bought the small hanging pocket chair several years ago at Target.
My daughter gave us this coffee table. It is the perfect size for our classroom. The straw basket holds laminated cards for tracing.
Here is the view from one door. We LOVE our perfectly sized room!
My other daughter (the mother of my grandson) gave us this rug. We love playing movement games on it. Under the coffee table is a large plastic container filled with pebbles and construction toys for sensory play. My grandson and I are so enjoying our learning time together.
This is our favorite space, as homeschooling has become...
My Kind of Teaching.

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