For me, it is certainly not by sitting and listening all day long. That's why I like to put some movement into our classroom. Movement is great for both homeschool and public school!
Whether your children are five or fifteen, there's fun to be had in a scavenger hunt, and I have several for you. The best part is that they are FREE!
Notice the higher vocabulary on some of these. Your child is like a sponge. Take advantage! Don't minimize vocabulary, even at the youngest age. A rich vocabulary helps expand your child's brain. Explain the meanings of the words, and use them in everyday conversations.
(Side note - People are absolutely amazed at my little grandson's vocabulary. It's because we never simplified language just because he was little. So many people think, "little person, little words". NO!!! Use those big words. They can handle them!)
Use one of these scavenger hunts when you and/or your child is feeling restless, or use it when you need a fun break. Other benefits are exercise and cognitive thinking. What one person finds as an answer may very well be a different answer from another person. It's good to discover that more than one answer will work.
Click on picture to download your free copy.
That's just...
My Kind of Teaching

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