Judy Moody Was in a Mood is my favorite chapter book to use for the beginning of the school year for back to school.
If you are looking for a great Back-to-School chapter book for a read-aloud or whole group reading for the first month, this is the book for you!
Both boys and girls enjoy it. The students are engaged and excited to learn more about Judy’s antics.
I have a class set so that students can follow along as I read aloud. They also have time to read individually and in small groups. They can refer to the book to complete comprehension questions.
This book is great to use at the beginning of the year because it begins with Judy’s dread of going back to school.
There are so many cool and interesting things that happen in the book. You can easily use this book for an entire month since there are many things to expand on and learn.
Some of the things included are an unusual choice of a pet which is a Venus Flytrap. This is the perfect opportunity to learn about these carnivorous plants. It's a great time for students to do more research with this digital unit.
This book lends itself to developing so many fun learning opportunities.
Included in my TpT unit are:
Lesson plans are included for every chapter of the book. These lesson plans will guide you with vocabulary to teach during the chapter and questions to ask while reading the chapter. Activities to extend learning are also included.
Keeping the learning fun and enjoyable, that's just...

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