Ahhh...spring! It feels so good to get to the spring months. One of my favorite things to teach is the life cycle of a butterfly. It just seems like the epitome of spring, doesn't it?
There are truly so many things you can incorporate into this springy theme!
Giving students background knowledge and the information is first and foremost. One of my favorite ways to do this is with videos. They are bright, colorful, and informative. Students are much more likely to understand and retain the information using this mode of learning.
Using the information learned from the videos, it's a great extension to incorporate writing.
After learning about the life cycle of butterflies and other important and fun facts, what could be more fun than completing your unit with a craft?
I first came up with this craft idea when teaching kindergarten. It made such a cute craft, and the students LOVED it! When I moved to 2nd grade, we continued making these as we learned about the life cycle of a butterfly. These cute caterpillar accordion books are a great way to end your unit on butterflies in any of the elementary grades!
These cute accordion booklets will help your students remember the life cycle of a butterfly. They look great on bulletin board displays and as "take-home" work without being a worksheet!
Are you interested in other springy themes? Try this "Let's Learn About Honey Bees" for free! Click here to download this digital unit and use it today!
Keeping the learning fun, fresh, and relevant. That's just...

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