Bullying and teasing...both words just bring dread. Unfortunately, it seems that students have to deal with both more than anyone should have to. I always begin my year by discussing both of these topics with my students.
As teachers, we all want to put a stop to bullying and teasing before they even begin.
This book deals with both of these topics.
Karen Scheuer is a 2nd grade teacher who knows firsthand how bullying and teasing have been increasing over the last several years. She decided to write a book to address both of these.
In this wonderfully illustrated tale, a little boy named Tyler is teased
by the other boys. His good friend Danae encourages him to give the
boys a bug and a wish. What could she possibly mean? When Tyler
finds a ladybug and a dandelion seed, he thinks that this is what Danae was
talking about. As Danae helps Tyler learn the true meaning of her
advice, Tyler finally understands the solution to his problem and hopes that there will be NO MORE BULLYING!
This book is great to have in your classroom to use in your classroom to read to your students.
Get your own copy here.
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Helping do my part to make school a fun and safe place for our students is just...
My Kind of Teaching!