How to Have Your Best School Year EVER!

How to have your best school year ever

Imagine this...

It's the first day of school. The day has been close to perfection. You are already in love with your students and you're feeling great about the year before you. The clock strikes 3:45 (or whatever time signals the end of the day for teachers). You look around your room one last time and with a big smile, you turn off the lights, close the door, and head home.

At home, you walk in the door, take a deep smell of the delicious aroma emanating from your crock pot. Dinner tonight is going to be delicious!

You continue to your bedroom, where you change into your bathing suit and head for the pool. You've got a couple of hours that you can swim, float, and work on your tan.

After the delicious dinner, you relax on the couch and have a few laughs while watching your favorite comedy show. You are rested and relaxed...not tired at all.

Sounds like a dream, right?

This is a TRUE story. This was my first day of school for several of my last years.

How was it possible?

I would like to share my tips, tricks, and information with you. Through the years, I perfected them and the result was a great first day, first week, first month... okay. I think you get the picture!

I'm sharing all of this with you for FREE!

Yes, that's right. My heart's desire is to help others and I want to help you have your very BEST. YEAR. EVER!

Sign up here for 30 days of emails where I walk you through every area of the school year so that you can enjoy the rest of your summer knowing that you are going to have it all under control from day one of your year!

And did I mention the freebies?  Oh, the freebies. I have a TON of exclusive freebies included for you as well!

You will get one email per day. I'm breaking it all down into manageable increments so that while you are learning and getting ready, you also have plenty of time to enjoy the rest of the summer.

There are no sales tactics or gimmicks. It's just me, sharing information that I hope you will find beneficial and will help you to have YOUR best school year EVER!  These ideas and tips have been tried and tested.  You can use them immediately in your classroom.

WARNING: Implementing all of these ideas in your classroom will have the following side effects:

  • leaving your classroom on time each day
  • staying prepared and “on top of things” all year
  • your classroom running like a well-oiled machine
  • stress-free days
  • more time for yourself and your family
  • free time in the evenings and on weekends
  • time to do the things you enjoy out of school
  • restful sleep

Sharing my years of experience with you so that you can have your BEST. YEAR. EVER!!! is just...

My Kind of Teaching

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