Fun Back-to-School Writing Activities

Back-to-school time is just around the corner.

It's an exciting time for all, but walking into a new classroom or a new school and not seeing many familiar faces can be scary!

These fun back-to-school icebreakers and writing activities are the perfect solution for getting to know your students and for your students to get to know each other.

When students realize that there are commonalities with everyone in the room, it helps build a classroom community.

There is almost always another person who answers or feels the same way.  Letting students see and understand this is important!

These questions can be shown using your projector system.  As common questions are asked, students will stand up if the answer is yes or sit down if the answer is no.

These Google Slides can be assigned to Google Classroom.  All students will be able to participate by dragging hands under the pictures to show which they prefer.

This fun activity can be shown to your entire class as a discussion activity.  It can also be assigned to each student via Google Classroom as a fun writing activity.  These fun "Blast from the Past" pictures will bring a lot of laughs and disbelief as students learn about things from the past.

Give your students practice with captions by having them write captions for these pictures.

These questions can be shown using your projector system.  As common questions are asked, students will stand up if the answer is yes or sit down if the answer is no.

These questions can be shown using your projector system by showing the PowerPoint version, or the Google Slides can be assigned for students to complete individually.  There are no wrong answers as long as the student can justify his or her answer.

For the picture shown above, it could be answered as any of these:
1)  The bear doesn't belong because it is larger than the others.
2)  The cardinal doesn't belong because it is red and all of the others are black.
3)  The scorpion doesn't belong because there is nothing green in the picture.
4)  The berries don't belong because they are not animals.

What is It?

These questions can be shown using your projector system or assigned on Google Classroom.

The students will try to figure out what common object is shown in the close-up picture.

Each of these units can be purchased individually or together in a money-saving bundle.

Creating fun activities as icebreakers to help you get to know your students and fun writing prompts is just...

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